Immersive Learning: AR In The Classroom | Discovery Education

Augmented Reality (AR) is technology that blurs the line between the digital and the real world. Using AR in education to replace a tabletop with a mountain range or the school hallway with the surface of the moon lets students interact with their surroundings in entirely new, immersive ways.

Research shows that using virtual reality learning can deepen student comprehension through interactivity, greater context to the world, and a sense of scale and proximity that might not otherwise be possible.

With new AR apps for iPad, educators and students will find a renewed sense of engagement! These virtual reality education apps are available to schools to support learning in any environment.

Timepod Adventures uses state-of-the-art, life-size augmented reality in the classroom, that students can interact with and control. With a remote AI companion ADA (Autonomous Digital Assistant) by their side, students can travel through time, visit incredible locations and solve problems as they go. A web-based companion app allows for classmates to connect and collaborate remotely from anywhere. The first two adventures in this series have been created in partnership with Verizon.